Saturday, May 18, 2019

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name one thing you dread about going to the doctor.

Daily Jeopardy! Puzzle

Double Jeopardy! Category: MUSIC APPRECIATION
For $2000, the answer is: Johann Sebastian Bach

Puzzle Author: Randy K. Milholland

Friday, May 17, 2019

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Besides "King" & "Queen," name a title some people have in England.

Puzzle Author: Marvin Minsky

Daily Jeopardy! Puzzle

Double Jeopardy! Category: UTAH
For $400, the answer is: belly dancing

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name something in life that often becomes over due.

Daily Jeopardy! Puzzle

Jeopardy! Category: QUOTH THE RAVEN?
For $1000, the answer is: sycamore

Puzzle Author: Jef Mallett

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Puzzle Author: Edgar Watson Howe

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name something found in a playground.

Daily Jeopardy! Puzzle

Double Jeopardy! Category: PSYCH "O"
For $2000, the answer is: occipital

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Daily Jeopardy! Puzzle

Jeopardy! Category: SOCIAL STUDIES
For $200, the answer is: caste

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name an occupation in which people make headlines.

Puzzle Author: Robert R. Coveyou

Monday, May 13, 2019

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name a kind of food that people put in crepes.

Daily Jeopardy! Puzzle

Double Jeopardy! Category: MEASURING DEVICES
For $1200, the answer is: a graduated cylinder

Puzzle Author: Thomas Sowell

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Daily Jeopardy! Puzzle

Jeopardy! Category: SANDWICHES
For $200, the answer is: a Dagwood

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name a flavor of ice cream.

Puzzle Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald