Saturday, August 6, 2022

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name something comfortable to wear that was once cheap but now isn't.

Puzzle Author: Nick Faldo

Friday, August 5, 2022

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Who does a married woman turn to when she and her husband fight?.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name something couples fight about, even after a divorce.

Puzzle Author: Maurice Sendak

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name something that melts when it warms up.

Puzzle Author: O. Henry

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name something you put a dust cover over.

Puzzle Author: Russell Baker

Monday, August 1, 2022

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name something a couple does that tells you they're romantic.

Puzzle Author: Niels Bohr

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name a kind of place that can be very romantic.

Puzzle Author: Elias Schwartz