Saturday, October 12, 2019

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name somewhere you'd see flowers.

Daily Jeopardy! Puzzle

Double Jeopardy! Category: ALPHABETICALLY FIRST
For $1200, the answer is: Edward Kennedy

Puzzle Author: John Ciardi

Friday, October 11, 2019

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name something you measure in measuring cups.

Daily Jeopardy! Puzzle

Jeopardy! Category: HIGH SOCIETY
For $400, the answer is: "Commodore"

Puzzle Author: Susan Rice

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name something you eat by the handful.

Daily Jeopardy! Puzzle

Double Jeopardy! Category: POLITICAL PARTY TIME
For $1200, the answer is: the Greens

Puzzle Author: Charles Peters

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name a place where men traditionally hang out.

Daily Jeopardy! Puzzle

Double Jeopardy! Category: PIECES OF CHINA
For $400, the answer is: opium

Puzzle Author: Bruce Barton

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name something you might find under your bed when you clean.

Daily Jeopardy! Puzzle

Double Jeopardy! Category: BUMMER OF '69
For $800, the answer is: a honeymoon

Puzzle Author: Will Rogers

Monday, October 7, 2019

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name an occupation in which a lot of people could see your picture.

Daily Jeopardy! Puzzle

Double Jeopardy! Category: THOSE ANIMALS FRIGHTEN ME!
For $400, the answer is: bulls

Puzzle Author: Unknown

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Daily Family Feud Puzzle

Question: Name something a couple does that tells you they're romantic.

Daily Jeopardy! Puzzle

Jeopardy! Category: SPELLING
For $200, the answer is: T-A-N-G-E-R-I-N-E

Puzzle Author: Helen Rowland